Machine Learning Systems Design


Most of the notes are from the book Machine Learning Systems Design

Overview of Machine Learning Systems Design

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What is MLOps (Machine Learning Operations)

Requirements for ML Systems

Iterative Process of Developing an ML system

1. Project scoping

2. Data engineering

Data pipeline in MLOps

Major types of data problems

Data pipeline at difference phases

Best practice

3. ML model development

Coping with ML training challenges


Distributed training strategies

-> scale challenges: increased training data volume or increased model size and complexity

Best practice: Sanity-check test

4. ML Model Deployment

5. ML System Monitoring and Continual learning

6. Business analysis

Infrastructure and Tooling for MLOps


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Storage & Compute

Development Environment

Resource Management

Pipeline Orchestration

orchestration allows managing end to end traceability of pipeline using automation to capture specific inputs, outputs, and artifacts of a given task.

Model Integration

= integrating models with ML applications

Human-in-the-Loop Pipelines

Human review of model predictions

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